Category: About

  • Links

    Government Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Department of National Defence Canada Department of Defense USA Ministry of Defense Denmark Ministry of Defense Finland Ministry of Defense Norway Ministry of Defense Sweden Ministry of Defense Russia Ministry of Defense UK Defense Alliance NORAD NATO Intergovernmental Fora Arctic Council Nordic Council United Nations Office…

  • United Nations and NWFZs

    The United Nations: a very important actor in NWFZ creation From the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs General Assembly resolution 3472 B (1975) defines a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone as “any zone recognized as such by the General Assembly of the United Nations, which any group of States, in the free exercises of their sovereignty, has…

  • Establishing a Nuclear-Weapons-Free zone

    PUGWASH, PARLIAMENTARIANS AND POLITICAL WILL Advancing the Agenda for Abolition Thinkers Lodge, Pugwash, NS, Canada, July 11, 2008, by Dr. Adele Buckley, Canadian Pugwash Group, Les Conférences Pugwash Canada The polar ice that envelops the high Arctic is melting at a rate even faster than anticipated by climate change scientists. Providing an equitable regime to…

  • About this Project

    In 2007, Jayantha Dhanapala, President of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, asked the Canadian Pugwash Group to consider the problem of nuclear weapons in the Arctic, and to put forward potential solutions. The result was the statement “Canadian Pugwash Call for an Arctic Nuclear-Weapon Free Zone” (24 August 2007), which said: the…

  • Purpose

    The purpose of this website is to encourage commencement of the process leading to an Arctic Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone. By providing new papers and commentary, together with copies of articles published elsewhere, we intend to enable both web-based and external discussion. The context and background is provided by relevant articles on other nuclear-weapon-free zones and Arctic…

  • Statement

    Protect the Arctic by a Treaty establishing an Arctic Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone read pdf The icy high Arctic, isolated and inaccessible, is melting rapidly. Within a decade or two, in the summer months, goods will be carried in active shipping lanes using shorter routes through the ice-free waters of the Arctic Ocean. These changes are creating…